Straight off the tarmac and the first thing you worry about is...connectivity. Where do I get it and how?
Luckily, Japan offers some of the fastest internet with the strongest 4G connections in the world.
(on almost every corner)
Airport Limosine busses have Free Wi-fi, as do some of the trains from the airports but some require registering which is a bit medokusai. Also, larger cities like: Kobe, Osaka, Fukuoka, Kyoto and Hiroshima have started providing Wi-Fi.
Here is a comprehensive list of Free Wi-Fi providers. It's quite a long list so if you're feeling like you want up your tech game, you can download this app, ingeniously named, Japan Connected free Wi-Fi.
(not on every corner)
Buying a sim card:
Dear 'ol Japan has only recently started offering the choice to buy unlocked (let me break it down for you: not network locked) phones. However, buying a sim at your local conbini ain't going to happen. If your phone is unlocked, head down to your nearest electronic store, BIC Camera -they also have branches in Narita and Haneda- or Yodobashi Camera.
Renting a Mobile Router:
For those lucky people coming in for RUGBY WORLD CUP, Ninja Wi-Fi together with Tokyo Cheapo are offering a huge discount, click here. You need to order it during August and September to qualify.
Now that you've sorted out your Wi-Fi and you're now wanting to connect with the locals, please see below:
If Japanglish is not your forte, here are some few basic phrases that should get you through your travels.